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Amplify Austin is a 24 hour period of fundraising for nonprofits that serve central Texas. Bluebonnet has participated for the past several years, raising over $28,000 in 2022. This year, our goal is to raise at least $30,000. And you can help us do that!

We’ve got three ways you can help:

  1. Become an Amplify Austin fundraiser for Bluebonnet. Simply visit our page at the link below, click Fundraise, and follow the steps. Then share a story about why you support Bluebonnet on social media and with your friends and family along with the link.
  2. Become a matching donor. If you plan to donate at least $500 to Bluebonnet during Amplify Austin, you can designate your donation as a matching donation. That means, you’ll only donate once we’re received enough to equal your donation. That encourages other to donate and makes everyone’s donation go further. Email me to set up a matching donation.
  3. Share stories of Bluebonnet horses along with the link to our Amplify Austin page. You’ll be encouraging other people to donate. You can also share the posts we make on our Facebook page.

We also appreciate any donation you make, and you can begin scheduling your donations now. Each donation can help us win one of the financial prizes from Amplify Austin, and Amplify Austin provides additional funding to each nonprofit, based on how much that nonprofit raises. So your donation not only helps horses, but it’ll also help Bluebonnet earn more funds to help even more horses.

Visit Bluebonnet’s Amplify Austin page

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