In 2015, Cheryl Bisson attended the Bluebonnet Horse Expo and met Dom Perignon. He had come to us in 2007 from a large neglect case. He had not been handled much when he arrived and was a stallion, so he bounced from home to home, trying to find his fit. He had been adopted and returned multiple times when Cheryl took a chance on him – and we took a chance on her.

It ended up being the perfect match. She loved him more than words can really express, and he seemed happy at her farm.  She, sadly, lost him earlier this year and was devastated.

Then last week, she took a chance on meeting Rey, a mare who had come to us over a year ago from an animal shelter. Rey had been overlooked because she’s got occasional lameness issues.  But Cheryl fell in love.  We’re so fortunate to have adopters like Cheryl who give their heart to a Bluebonnet horse – not once, but twice.