Neglect Committee Policy

Policy Number 9

Effective: June 30, 2007 Version 2.0

Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society, Inc.’s (BEHS) policy is to operate a Neglect Committee to record reports of neglect or abuse, investigate those reports, and work with law enforcement to insure reports of neglect or abuse are properly handled.


The Neglect Committee shall:

  • Accept and log all reports of abuse or neglect.
  • Recruit volunteers to investigate neglect and abuse reports.
  • Provide training to volunteers to help them better perform their job.
  • Provide support to volunteers.
  • Work with law enforcement to get further action on cases where action is warranted.
  • Maintain a log of all neglect reports including:
  • Date of Report
  • Name and contact information of person making report
  • Description of report
  • Name and contact information for volunteer assigned to the report
  • Results of investigation
  • Action Taken

The Executive Director shall be the Neglect Committee Chairperson and Assistant Neglect/Abuse Investigation Coordinators shall be members of the committee.