BEHS 493 – Sunshine

Name: Sunshine Status: Adopted
Adoption Fee: Arrived At Rescue: September 12, 2010
Location: Quemado, TX Adoption Date: November 1, 2012
Registered: Breed: Grade
Date of Birth: September 1, 2006 Color: Palomino
Gender: Female
Height: 14 hands

About Sunshine

Sunshine was removed from her home by law enforcement, and the courts awarded her to BEHS along with her herdmates. She was adopted in October 2010 and returned when she didn't work out for novice riders in her home. She was adopted in 2011 but returned when she was aggressive with another horse. She moved to a new foster home several months ago, and they've fallen in love with her. She's found a good fit and a family who loves her! Thank you to all those who fostered her in the past and to Lorraine for giving her a forever home!

Evaluation and Training

Sunshine's adopters rode her on trail rides and in arenas. She is well-trained but is very sensitive to weight cues, so she spun around when novice riders were unbalanced on her back. A previous foster home rode her in a round pen and arena. She did not have problems with Sunshine spooking or spinning around, but Sunshine did not like her rider to take up contact with her mouth. She relaxed when the rider kept very steady and quiet hands.

She's a pretty mare and with some more training could be a nice show horse, pleasure horse or trail horse.


Trailers: Yes Bucks: No
Leads: Yes Bites: No
Ties: Yes Catches: Yes
Trims: Yes Bathes: Yes
Clips: Unknown Rears: BEHS 493 - SunshineNo
Kicks: No