Oakley and two other horses arrived at Bluebonnet in the summer of 2022.  All three had been removed from negligent owners by law enforcement and then placed with Bluebonnet.

Once Oakley recovered from neglect, his foster home began working with him and discovered he was very well-trained. Her young daughter could handle him and ride him with ease, and he was quickly adopted.

His adopters recently sent an update, “Oakley and I have been working on Intro level dressage. He is achieving huge progress in his balance at the trot and we are starting to work on a more consistent rhythm. We’ve been doing a ton of lateral work, which he does not love, but Oakley is a horse that will show up and give everything he has for his partner. I’ve never met a horse that is so generous with his energy – he truly is once-in-a-lifetime. He loves to bond with me and play at liberty whenever given the chance. His favorite game to play in the round pen is Bet I Can Run Faster Than You (spoiler: he can).”

She also added that although Oakley experienced trauma in his life, he has bounced back in such an inspiring way. She loves him – and everyone who meets him loves him. We couldn’t ask for more from an adopter!