23 April 2016

March 3, 2016

Jennifer Williams, PhD
Executive Director, Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society
888 542 5163

Ride for the Rescue Trail Ride on April 23 in Sisterdale, TX to Benefit Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society

Community support needed to give the rescue a chance to win up to $25,000 from the ASPCA to help save more horses

(Sisterdale, Texas: April 23, 2015) – Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society (BEHS) will be celebrating the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) national Help A Horse Day with a trail ride held by Hill Country Trail Rides in Sisterdale, Texas on April 23.

By participating in the Help A Horse Day Celebration, BEHS, a rescue organization that has saved over 805 horses since it was founded 11 years ago, will be able to compete with rescues from across the country for up to $25,000 in prizes.  Funds raised at the trail ride and funds won as part of the competition will be used locally to help law enforcement agencies in Texas investigate reports of neglect or abuse, remove abused, neglected, and abandoned horses and other equines, and to provide food, medical care, and foster homes to rehabilitate those equines. None of the funds raised at Bluebonnet in Bloom events go to the ASPCA® or other organizations.

“This will be our first year competing in the Help a Horse event.  When Kristal of Hill Country Trail Rides approached me about putting on a benefit for BEHS, I was so excited.  Kristal has adopted three horses from us, and she uses them in her trail business.  Having Kristal and her partners put on an event for us seemed like a perfect fit. I hope community members will come to the event, even if they can’t ride, to show support.”

There will be two trail rides:  one at 10am that’s good for riders and horses of all levels, and one at 2pm for more experienced riders.  There will be a lunch break at noon with a silent auction, music, socializing, and a chance to meet some rescue horses.

BEHS will be holding additional events, called Bluebonnet in Bloom, throughout the month of April.  Events include:
• Informational booths in Austin, College Station, Denton, Gainesville, Houston, La Grange, Navasota, New Braunfels, Temple, and Waco throughout April
• An online photo event featuring a photo competition and featuring individual rescue horse’s stories (April 23-24)
• Silent auction and horses to meet the public at the Navasota Tractor Supply (April 23)
• Benefit trail ride, silent auction, and Bluebonnet horses available to meet the public in Sisterdale (Boerne area) (April 23)
• Tack sale and Bluebonnet horses available to meet the public in Austin (April 24)
• 25% off of adoption fees for any horse adopted in the month of April.

For a complete list of Bluebonnet in Bloom events, visit our website http://www.bluebonnetequine.org/index.php/news/future-events.

When you attend a Bluebonnet in Bloom event, donate, or volunteer, you help horses like Juliette.  Juliette and several herdmates were removed from negligent owners and placed with BEHS by animal control.  When Juliette arrived, she was emaciated.  Thanks to a great foster home, she blossomed into a gorgeous mare.  She’s a sweet and kind girl, and she’s also well trained.  Kristal of Hill Country Trail Rides recently adopted Juliette, and she and her daughter use her for trail riding.  Those attending the Ride for the Rescue will get to meet Juliette and see first-hand the good work that Bluebonnet volunteers do for needy horses.

For more information about Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society and Bluebonnet in Bloom, please visit http://www.bluebonnetequine.org or http://www.facebook.com/BluebonnetEquineHumaneSociety or call (888) 542 5163.
