Download printable Sponsorship Claim Form here.


This form is to allow foster homes to claim sponsorship money allocated to their specific foster horse. The foster home will have been notified by the VP-Equine Coordinator and/or Treasurer that the sponsorship has been made, for what amount, and whether it is a one-time sponsorship or continuing (e.g. monthly or periodic) sponsorship. If it is a continuing sponsorship, it may be claimed only on a monthly or periodic schedule (as indicated) and not in lump sum.

DATE _______________

FOSTER HORSE_________________

BEHS# -_____

FOSTER HOME___________________________________________________________



HOME PHONE______________________ ALTERNATE PHONE____________________

AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP_____________________________


SIGNATURE OF FOSTER HOME____________________________________________
(We cannot process this form without your signature.)

You must attach receipts to the sponsorship in order to claim the sponsorship funds. If you do not attach receipts, we will be unable to send you any sponsorship funds.


Date Received__________________________
Date Reimbursement Mailed______________
Check # ______________________________